
Friday, June 26, 2009

Not scrap related!!




Sorry for the post totally unrelated to scrapbooking, though I will probably scrapbook this one…at some point!  ;o) 

This is a photo of my youngest two with a shark that was on the beach last night.  It was obviously one that someone caught and ripped the hook out of it because it appeared that it’s ‘innards’ were hanging from it’s mouth.  I would estimate this shark was about 2 feet long?  I know there are sharks out there.  Common sense and all those JAWS movies I’ve watched tell me that there ARE sharks in the ocean.  I know this one is small in comparison to many out there…BUT to actually SEE a shark…any size shark…is a bit freaky!!

Here are a couple of other shots of the shark:





On a scrapbook/cardmaking note: 

I’ve been doing lots of coloring while I’ve been at the beach, so I promise I will get some cards and/or scrapbook pages posted when I get back and get this mountain of laundry done!  ha!

Thanks for stopping by! 

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